A community

for creators, experts, and enthusiasts to talk about sex and relationships.

The MŌN App is a safe and inclusive space to connect with other people. We do not tolerate harassment of any kind, including homophobia, transphobia, or bigotry what so ever!

Our Mission

We believe in the power of community and the strength of our voices. In a digital landscape where major platforms are increasingly restricting conversations about sex and relationships, we recognized the urgent need to provide a platform where these essential discussions could thrive. That's why we created MŌN.

On platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, community guidelines have become increasingly prohibitive when it comes to discussions on sexuality and intimacy. Creators, experts, and brands have been unfairly de-platformed, leading to lost revenue and diminished reach, while massive communities have been left in the shadows.

At MŌN, we aim to fill this void by providing a safe and inclusive space for open, honest, and vital conversations on these crucial topics. We're committed to empowering creators, experts, and individuals to connect, share knowledge, and foster a sex-positive, supportive community where no topic is off-limits. Join us on our mission to break down barriers and ensure everyone has a voice in these essential conversations. Together, we can make a difference.

Meet Cale Jones, Founder and CEO

As a queer founder, I've personally experienced the need for a safe and inclusive space to discuss intimate topics. Through MŌN, I've found a community that's helped me understand my own identity and sexuality. Now, I'm proud to offer this platform for open conversations, especially for the LGBTQ+ community.

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